Data … as usual

All things about data by Laurent Leturgez

Monthly Archives: April 2016

I’m now an Oracle ACE :)

Last week, I received an email from Oracle that announced I was accepted in the Oracle ACE Program. And yes, I’m very proud of this. 🙂

For those who don’t know what is the Oracle ACE program, it’s an award you receive when the community recognizes your expertise in a specific domain.

How does it works ? You have to be nominated by someone in the community. This person fills in a nomination form which gives details about your expertise and how you “show” it to the community (Blogs, Social networking, conferences, book authoring etc etc).

In my case, I’ve been nominated by Mohamed Houri (@MohamedHouri) and my nomination has been supported by lots of people who are very well known in the community (Tanel Pöder, Kellyn Pot’vin Gorman, Deiby Gomez, Ludovico Caldara and Franck Pachot). I would like to warmly thank them for their support.

Now I will continue being active in the community: Writing on Oracle forums, presenting at Oracle conferences (I would like to present at two conferences at least this year), blogging and social networking (mainly on twitter: @lleturgez).

My Oracle ACE profile is now available at this URL : .

Thank you Oracle ACE (@oracleace).